
Meaningful Surveys – Engage With Your Customers

Future Bright Surveys

Engage Your Clients With Meaningful Quick Surveys

In this digital age we exist as sentient beings with digital personas.  We are connected to those digital profiles with a very strong thread comprised of our need feel seen, and our opinions heard.  We all expect businesses that work with us to anticipate our preferences, likes, dislikes, opinions and desires, because we have put them all out there.  This means that you need to be continuously taking the temperature of your relationship with your clients in a way that makes them feel unique and heard.

Giving your team, customers, and clients the opportunity to give you quick feedback will not only improve your performance with what you learn from that feedback.  You will also benefit from public reviews because so many of our decisions are based on taking recommendations from our peers.  You are also rewarded by Google and Yelp for reviews on their platform.

I would like to show you a few of the tools we use to make these micro-surveys beautiful and rewarding.

Integrating Micro-Surveys Into Your Process

It is important to identify those moments in your process where gaining insight is most valuable.  At what points do you feel your customer would enjoy reflecting on their experience?  We provide website development for many of our clients, and there are clear milestones, but also there are fuzzy milestones, especially when a project is non-traditional.  We send out our “How Are We Doing” survey multiple times throughout a project.  This also helps us see what our client’s experience has been throughout the life of the project.

Where Should The Surveys Live?

Where would it be most convenient for your team member, client, or customer to take the survey?  On their phone?  In an e-mail?  On your website?  You may need to utilize all three.  The key is making it really easy and quick to do the survey.  You also need to make sure that it is easy for your team to send out a survey.  Currently we have several surveys invitations in our CRM system embedded as templates.  This makes it very easy to select a contact or multiple contacts and send them the survey via e-mail with just a few clicks.

Types Of Micro-Surveys

  • Collecting Information
  • Using Logic To Identify Best Solution
  • Performance Rating

Should I Offer A Reward For A Review?

It is generally not a good idea to offer a reward for reviewing your services.  Yelp has a strict policy against this.

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Survey Examples We Actually Use

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Giving Advice Using Logic

On your own, you can only give one person advice at a time.  Creating a beautiful survey utilizing logic you can provide advice for multiple scenarios to many people 24/7. This survey has been built using Outgrow. In the beginning we needed to map out possible responses for each possible selection.   We  can tell based on the responses whether or not they need our help.

Try It!

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Requirements Gathering

We are always being asked what the difference is between Squarespace, Shopify, and WordPress.  Based on our experience, there are clear advantages to each of these depending upon your product and goals.  We created this survey to answer that question, “Which Platform Is Right For Me!”   When we post this on Social Media, if someone fills it out, we learn valuable information immediately, and before reaching out to them can already visualize what they need, and what their project cost will most likely be.

Try It!

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Checking In

We use this survey after we have onboarded a client or new team member.  This survey has been created using SurveyAnyplace. The onboarding process can be extensive.  The most important, however, is that the client or team member knows how to quickly get to the Future Bright Portal.  Even if they forget everything in the call, they can find it in the portal.

My favorite part about this survey is the scratch-off revealing a prize that they will receive to say thank-you.  There are ten different possible results, and some are quite special, so are set to appear only a small percentage of the time.

Try It!

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Getting A Review


Reviews matter to Google and Yelp.  After you have delivered a product or service, you will want to know how your customer feels.  Using a “Reputation Management” system like the one that we are offering allows you to proactively gain reviews, and if the customer is unhappy, the form uses logic to collect their complaint instead of sending them off to give an angry review.  This gives you the opportunity to save the day and turn them around.

This system pulls your reviews into one dashboard, and you can respond to reviews from the dashboard.  You can publish a review to Social Media, and also embed your favorites right on your website!

We Offer Reputation Management As A Service

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