
New Website For CANORML


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The CaNORML Website

The organization has worked tirelessly for the rights of cannabis users in California, and because of their lobbying, we now have the largest potential cannabis market in the world.  The previous design reflected the beginnings of the movement, and when we met with the client we saw that there was a fear of updating the look, because it would somehow wash over all that they had sacrificed, and all of the work that they had done.

I explained to them that what we wanted to do with this new website was to turn their work into a celebration.  They are still one of the most important resources for drug testing information in the state, and they get 3 million visits per year.  We wanted to show the dignity in the use of medical marijuana, and a celebration of the state-of-the-art facilities and gorgeous designs that are coming out of the industry.

We also built a directory for cannabis brands, and those businesses that provide services to cannabis entrepreneurs.

We are so excited to see how they use their site over the next few years as we are all transformed by these changes not only in our legal system, but in our societal and business norms.