
Website Design Philosophy

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

~Leonardo Da Vinci

Beautiful systems

The Future Bright
Website Design Philosophy

If you explain what is behind magic, it doesn’t seem mysterious any more.  For this reason I have relied on our portfolio to tell the story of our work.  When I have calls with potential clients, they have a hard time putting our work into words as well.  The closest they often come to describing it is to say, “I want to look like that!”

What I realize though, is the importance of sharing that there IS a process.  All of the materials, conversations, photographs and your stories become clues to the final outcome.  With any creative endeavor, the concept doesn’t come mechanically, it begins as something blurry, in the distance, and out of reach.  It slowly comes into focus, usually when I am not working at all, but going up the Dipsea steps, or exploring a neighborhood around my client’s business.  I always want to create a sense of place in the websites that we build, and to do that requires a bit of research, a bit of meandering, and a fair amount of looking off into the distance thoughtfully.

A website is a digital gateway between two entities.  On one side of the gateway is your business.   On the other side is your guest.  You have just moments to create a connection before they wander off.  My goal is to create an invitation anchored in hospitality, a warm beautiful welcome to your audience that causes them to pause and let their eyes and mind absorb the story of your business.

Your Authenticity, Passion & Integrity

Your digital presence may be the only way your customers can reach you.  Authenticity, passion, and integrity are what will draw your audience in.  They will feel confident that you can help them, and will know that they can trust your word, your work, and your advice.  Photos, colors, fonts, and spacing all play a part in creating your message, and your promise that you will deliver.

Adam Hirsch, Personal Trainer, Corte Madera, C
Adam Hirsch, Personal Trainer, Corte Madera, CA

You should recognize yourself

Samuel E Cole - Poet - Minneapolis, MN
Samuel E Cole - Poet - Minneapolis, MN

When you look at the website that we have built for you, my wish is for you to recognize yourself, feel amazed at your accomplishments, and be proud of what you represent.   You will have a sophisticated presence that is evidence of the depth of your expertise, and the immeasurable value of your services and creations.

It will be clear to the community that you value quality, are attentive to detail, and deliver your services or creations with excellence.  Our collaboration will result in a beautiful masterpiece that reflects your intellect, talents, and sophistication.

Your Audience

While your website might actually represent an entire team, a visitor to your website is nearly always alone.  One brain, one screen.  One life full of experiences, a path to choose, and dreams to follow.

We recoil from experiences that make us uncomfortable, and we are drawn to those that make us feel good.  Your website should instill an immediate sense of well being for that solo visitor. You may receive thousands of visits, but they happen one person at a time.  Your authenticity matters.  Speaking directly to your visitor in your own voice to present your solution will assure them that you are engaged and ready to serve, and they are in the right place.

A Moment Of Joy

A visitor to your website is on a quest.  They are searching for a solution to a problem that they have, whether it be needing an ice cream cone, an advisor they can trust, or a workout that will transform their body and, consequently, their life.

When they have found a solution, they feel a sense of accomplishment and relief.  They also feel clever, because out of billions of websites and social profiles, their resourcefulness has guided them to you.  Finding your solution to their problem results in a small celebration even if it is just a tiny spark somewhere in their mind.  They experience a moment of joy and anticipation.

Your Anticipated Response

It is not enough to just have a beautiful website.  You need to have a website that is fully integrated with social media and has all of the capabilities that website visitors have learned to expect.   It is now said that it takes 21 interactions with your brand before someone chooses to make a purchase.  They may visit your website four times before making a decision, and start to engage with you on Instagram while they are thinking about it.  This means you need to have many different elements from around the digital space all working together in a carefully constructed system.

If your visitor has decided finally that you are the one who has the solution they are looking for, you need to be prepared.  They will likely comment on a social post, send you a private message from a social profile, or fill out a form or make a purchase on your website.  They may pick up the phone and call you.  When they reach out to you, that first interaction you have with them is critical.  We all have that protective little voice in our heads telling us to be wary.  Your new potential customer is anticipating your welcoming response, but are mentally holding their breath until you provide an affirmation that they have made the right choice.

It is essential that you have tools and a system in place that allow you to easily connect with your customers in a timely and authentic way wherever they are.  A website is a home base for dozens of digital profiles and a cover over a powerful engine for communication.  Every website we create is a beautiful socially integrated system that allows you to be anywhere you need to be to provide your solutions to your customers.  We work with your sales process to provide simple yet powerful tools to support your engagement with your audience.

Future Bright Social Media Marketing

We build beautiful systems.

The world needs your solutions now more than ever.

Wendy Louise Nog, Founder, Future Bright

In 30 years of digital technology the tools have changed
but the goal has not:

Give your audience what they need to make an informed decision.

~Wendy Louise Nog