Presenting a logical yet customer centered method for digital marketing professionals and explorers.
Digital Blitz
How to surround your customer with digital touchpoints.
When you surround your customer’s entire buying journey with digital touchpoints, that is a “Digital Blitz”.
Author: Wendy Louise Wilder
In this essential digital marketing manual, Wendy walks the reader through understanding three certainties at the base of every digital marketing campaign. Using them as a foundation, she then explains how to plan ahead to guide your customer’s entire journey.
Gain a clear understanding of how digital marketing works, and what combination of channels will work best for your business. Gain the clarity you need to lead your marketing partners and your business to success.

Excerpts from the book
“The most common frustration I hear from CEOs and business owners about digital marketing is that they can’t quite wrap their heads around it.
Digital marketing seems like everything, all over the place, all of the time. They can’t see clearly through the noise and aren’t confident that any of it will grow their business.
A singular frustration they have is that despite having zero confidence in how to use digital marketing, business owners still feel they must participate, or they will appear out of touch to their customers, which could equal doom for their brand.
This results in spending enormous budgets on a vaguely defined activity that is seemingly impossible to understand and difficult to measure in terms of its impact. Often (and this includes multi-billion-dollar corporations), businesses are frozen into inaction, or they close their eyes, take a deep breath, and throw money into the void.
I am about to transform that uncertainty for you. Once you have read the first half of this book, you will know how to use the chart printed on the back cover to identify opportunities and to plan digital marketing initiatives that are right for your business. The chart is entirely built on logic, which is how algorithms work. There is no fluff in this book unless you are sitting and reading it with a dog or cat in your lap.
I believe that anyone can be at ease with digital marketing because done correctly, it is aligned with a task that you do yourself hundreds of times every day: go through the process of making a decision.
Once you fully embrace that your marketing activities should align with your customer’s decision-making process, your marketing tactics will become intuitive. You will simply be creating a path for your customers that is familiar to you.
We learned the letters of the alphabet and then how to skillfully combine them into powerful words like “love,” “hate,” and “dream.” When you understand how to combine digital marketing components, you will also be able to create powerful experiences for your customers.”