
Digital Marketing Strategy – Recommended

Get more sales with a Customer Journey focused strategy

Read below for a description of how to use the channels circled in the Recommended marketing strategy architecture.  When you plan your customer’s journey in advance, you will have a way to smoothly lead them to a sale, and to introducing you to their friends which can lead to exponential sales.

Standard Architecture

We take a mile-high view of your customer’s buying journey through the lens of the BASE3model ™.  We ensure that you have digital touchpoints in place so that your customers can find you, and  introduce you to their friends.

Channel 10:  Blog Articles For SEO

Although writing articles for your website can take some time to produce results, they are long-lasting.  When you create content around the periperhy of the solutions you provide, you may be found by potential customers as they are learning about their problem.  These articles also help search engines understand your expertise and who will be most interested in your content. 

Call-To-Action:  Within your content, add links to relevant pages on your website, and invite them to opt-in to your newsletter.

Channel 14:  Social Media For Algorithms

Through social media is now the most common way that brands are discovered.  To be put in front of new people by platform algorithms, you need to be creating content not about your business, but around the interests of your ideal client.  

Call To Action:  Invite your audience to follow you.

Channel 17:  Partners

The quickest way to get new customers is through carefully selected and nurtured partners.  Choose partners who have a community that contains a high density of your ideal customer.  This could be a paid partnership such as working with an influencer, or a referral partner with whom you exchange leads.

Call To Action:  When you are working with a partner, you are borrowing the trust that their audience has in them.  Rather than sending people to your home page, have a dedicated part of your website or process for these referrals that quickly lead customers to a purchase.

Channel 20:  Educational and Expert Content

Due to the importance of providing this type of content, Google developed the acronymn EEAT to grade and rank content.  It stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.  Providing this content will serve your customers by educating them, and also will build trust that you are an expert in their problem.

Call To Action:  If a potential customer is viewing or experiencing this content on their website, they are very close to making a decision.  It is not too soon to invite them to make a purchase, or schedule an appointment with you, and you should try to acquire their email address through offers, freebies, and opt-ins.

Channel 22:  Email/Text

If you have been successful in acquiring an email address for your potential customer, you should continue to reach out to them with educational and expert content.  

Call To Action:  You can begin to introduce them to testimonials and case studies, and inviting them to take the next step, whether that is making an appointment or requesting a quote.

Channel 25:  Retargeting Ads

A retargeting ad is an ad that is shown to your website visitors when they are on other websites such as news sites or Instagram.  It is said that now it can take 10-20 times that someone sees your brand before they make a purchase.  A retargeting ad will remind them of you.

Call To Action:  The link from a retargeting ad should go directly to a purchase or engage page that is minimally designed.  They already know who you are, and if they are clicking on the ad they are definitely considering you as an optional solution to their problem.

Channel 31:  Lead Point

Customers in the decision level are considered to be those who have performed some action that shows intent to purchase.  That action could be filling out a form, visiting a product page, or putting a product into their shopping cart.

Call To Action:  Present your offer, and provide an easy way for them to buy from you or engage with you with serious intent to work with you.

Channel 42:  Email Current Customers

Once someone becomes your customer, you will have their contact information, and almost always their email address.  You should be reaching out to them with special offers, introduction of new products or services that you identified would help them, and showing gratitude.  

Call To Action:  The least expensive sale is to an already existing customer.  Make it super easy for them to buy from you again by providing direct links or reaching out to them proactively.

Channel 41:  Repeat Purchase Lead Point

Having a sales funnel that is simplified for already existing customers will demonstrate that you think of them as special.  Using wording on those special pages or lead points that indicates you know they are an already existing customer will make them feel appreciated and valued.

Call To Action:  Whether it is a registration page or a form, use wording such as “we are grateful you have chosen us” or “because you are already our customer, we are giving you a special price.”

Channel 44:  Social Media for Followers

By inviting your existing customers to follow you on social media, you can have a daily or weekly engagement with them in addition to the periodic email communication.  The content should be around showing gratitude, special offers, and new products based on their feedback.  These posts will mainly only be shown to followers.

Call To Action:  Promote your speical offers and new products with direct links when possible.

Channel 54:  Reviews and Testimonials on Social

It is still overwhelmingly true that people read online reviews and testimonials before making a purchase.  Depending upon your delivery timeline, you should have in your process a request for a review or testimonial in what ever way fits the relationship you have with your customers.

Call To Action:  Request a review or written testimonial.  Share that testimonial and show gratitude for that testimonial.  Keep in mind that they are putting their own reputation in your hands by recommending you.


To read about the BASE3 model and how to make strategic marketing decisons, read “Digital Blitz”.

Customer Journey Touchpoints

Using the BASE3model ™ as a logical framework, we will strengthen your current marketing system & tools.  We will identify immediate fixes that are needed, and create a marketing strategy that grows your business, and combines any of your: