Rocksolid Electrical

When you love what you do, and are motivated to take your business to the next level, you need to ensure that you are clear on exactly who you are before beginning an expansion.

We worked with Rocksolid Electrical to refine their logo, and to identify their mission, values, and vision.  Your clients will become your advocates if your mission and values resonate with how they view themselves.

Understanding what is at the core of your business will also help you become clear on who your next hire should be, and what qualities they need to thrive and to help you grow your business.

The project is in progress.


To build a brand and digital presence that will support a franchise model.

  • Strategy

    Customer Journey Mapping, Social Build-Out, CRM Integration

  • Design

    Art Direction, Logo, Colors, Brand Guide, Website Design

  • Client

    Rocksolid Electrical

  • Deliverables

    Brand Guide, Mission Values Vision, StoryBrand, website, CRM Integration, Social Media Setup, Marketing Strategy

Let's Collaborate

Wanting to grow?

We’re a team of strategic creatives who are excited about  helping you find your customers, and then identifying opportunities to meet your customer’s friends too which can lead to exponential growth.
