
Strategic Marketing

Wilder Woman

Grow your business with a customer journey strategy.

If you are a data driven decision-maker, we are the right marketing partner for you. 

Guiding your customer’s journey

Customer Journey Touchpoints

We take a mile-high view of your customer’s buying journey through the lens of the BASE3model ™.  We ensure that you have measurable digital touchpoints that lead your customers to buying from you, and then introducing you to their friends.


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Digital Playbook Cover

Digital Marketing Solutions For Your Business

We will create a Digital Playbook that outlines those tactics, strategically combining any of:

How we work

Lean Campaigns

We believe strongly that less is more.  That you should not stretch yourself too thin by trying to be everywhere.  Using our model as a guide, we will work with you to launch narrowly defined tactics that preserve your budget and reach your ideal customer.

If running ads is a part of your marketing strategy, we can work with you to build ad campaigns that start out narrow and conservative, and then only grow as you begin to see results, and the algorithms begin to recognize you and your ideal customer.

Customer journey verified

What is unique about Wilder is that everything we do is verified as continuing your customer’s journey.  We ensure that there are no gaps or drop-offs.

How much should you spend on ads?

We will provide you with a calculator that gives you a range of how much you need to spend to achieve your sales goals.

The BASE3model

We use our proprietary model to map digital marketing campaigns based on logic and the human decision-making process.

BASE3 Model - Digital Marketing Campaign Architecture
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Your Six-Month Marketing Strategy

Playbook Grid
We will collaborate with you to create a BASE3model ™  Digital Playbook that contains a measurable Customer Journey Strategy for your business, and a six-month implementation plan.

Sample Plan

Month 1:  Discovery & Playbook Creation

Month 2: Build & Launch Strategy & Campaigns

Month 3:  Testing & Adjustment

Month 4:  Data Analyses & Continued Adjustment

Month 5:  Data Analyses & Continued Adjustment

Month 6:  Assess for next six months

Outcome:  A deep understanding of your customer, their needs and their journey.  A logic based plan for creating touchpoints that guide your customer to engaging with you.

Website Design

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Own a website that establishes you as a recognized expert in your field.

We build powerful websites that guide your customer’s journey and connect you with the people who need you.

Website Traffic & Data Analyses

BASE3 Stats

As part of the analysis done for the Digital Playbook, we will look into your current website traffic and your social and other data to identify any changes that need to be made in your content, systems, or with your website.


An understanding of how your website is being used, modifications to implement, and a data gathering system that will inform your future marketing tactics.