Customer journey strategy

Grow your
Spinout Fitness
What we do

We work with you to create a digital marketing strategy that is efficient, effective, and tells your story.

Understanding your customer’s journey, and ensuring that you have touchpoints guiding them along their way is essential to the success of your business.  We use the proven framework BASE3model™ to identify gaps and opportunities in your customer journey strategy.

Spinout Fitness

When you are first launching a business, your main priority is getting customers.  The fastest way to get new customers when you are a…

  • Strategy

    Email Marketing

  • Design

    User Flow

  • Client

    Spinout Fitness

  • Deliverables

    Email Marketing Campaign

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Rocksolid Electrical

When you love what you do, and are motivated to take your business to the next level, you need to ensure that you are…

  • Strategy

    Customer Journey Mapping, Social Build-Out, CRM Integration

  • Design

    Art Direction, Logo, Colors, Brand Guide, Website Design

  • Client

    Rocksolid Electrical

  • Deliverables

    Brand Guide, Mission Values Vision, StoryBrand, website, CRM Integration, Social Media Setup, Marketing Strategy

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ABC Languages

As a business owner, sometimes you have a gut feeling that something is not right, but you aren’t certain what it is because the…

  • Strategy


  • Design

    User Flow

  • Client

    ABC Languages

  • Deliverables

    HubSpot Implementation, Website Clean-Up

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Donohue & Associates

It is important that you find the right clients.  You want to work with clients who appreciate your methodology, or your way of working,…

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy

  • Design

    Branding, Website Design

  • Client

    Donohue & Associates

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Help Kikwit

Father Jean Pierre Bonguila, Professor of Educational Leadership, has founded a nonprofit organization that is building a school of Entrepreneurship in his home community…

  • Strategy

    Customer Journey

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    Help Kikwit

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Hannah Romanowsky

Professionals who are in a creative industry often have two or more very different audiences.  Our client Hannah Romanowsky has just that challenge.  She…

  • Strategy

    CRM Strategy

  • Design

    User Flow

  • Client

    Hannah Romanowsky

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Terrace Consulting

As a technical partner for enterprise, Terrace Consulting wanted a new website design that establishes them as experts in what they do.  The intended…

  • Strategy

    C-Level Audience Strategic Design

  • Design

    Website Design

  • Client

    Terrace Consulting

  • Deliverables

    WordPress Website

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