Hannah Romanowsky
Professionals who are in a creative industry often have two or more very different audiences. Our client Hannah Romanowsky has just that challenge. She is a nationally known performer, and also a nationally known chef. She does performances that are just dance at private events and on the public stage. She also does cooking demonstrations. Sometimes she combines both dance and cooking, which is why she has the brand name, “Dance and Dish”.
Hannah came to us because she was about to participate in multiple online and in person events for multiple different audiences and needed a way to manage connections she made.
We implemented HubSpot on her website, and created a series of landing pages with inique QR codes that she could use on her materials and online activities that were addressing those unique audiences. We set up auto-responders that had the correct messaging for each audience. In this way she is able to manage her contacts based on the type of event they are interested in.
Create a customer journey for different audiences