
Digital Marketing Strategy

Get more sales with a Customer Journey focused strategy

Customer Journey Touchpoints

Using the BASE3model ™ as a logical framework, we will strengthen your current marketing system & tools.  We will identify immediate fixes that are needed, and create a marketing strategy that grows your business, and combines any of your:

BASE3 Model - Digital Marketing Campaign Architecture

We take a mile-high view of your customer’s buying journey through the lens of the BASE3model ™.  We ensure that you have digital touchpoints in place so that your customers can find you, and  introduce you to their friends.

Digital Marketing Playbook and Strategy

Playbook Grid
We will collaborate with you to create a BASE3model ™  Digital Playbook that contains a Customer Journey Strategy for your business, along with a six-month implementation plan.

Month 1:  Discovery & Playbook Creation

Month 2: Build & Launch Strategy & Campaigns

Month 3:  Testing & Adjustment

Month 4:  Data Analyses & Continued Adjustment

Month 5:  Data Analyses & Continued Adjustment

Month 6:  Assess for next six months

Outcome:  A deep understanding of your customer, their needs and their journey.  A logic based plan for creating touchpoints that guide your customer to engaging with you.