Storybrand 2.0 is now available!
Here is how the book is described on Amazon.
“When you apply the StoryBrand framework your brand will stand out. Developing that framework to clarify your message and grow your business is about to get a whole lot simpler. . .
Since the original publication of Building a StoryBrand, over one million business leaders have discovered Donald Miller’s powerful StoryBrand framework, and their businesses are growing. Now, the classic resource for connecting with customers has been fully revised and updated, making it an even more powerful tool to prepare you to engage customers.
In a world filled with constant, on-demand distractions, it has become very hard for business owners to effectively cut through the noise to reach their customers. Without a clear, distinct message, customers will not understand what you can do for them and won’t engage.”
Are you wanting to build a website that is based on the StoryBrand model? We love the model, but found that there wasn’t a way to easily translate it into content for a website. We created a brainstorming worksheet with accompanying form that you can use to generate an editable wireframe in the form of a Google Document. We are providing the package here free of charge. We are intentionally NOT using Ai, so that your work remains intact.

How To Use The Mock-Up Tool
Website Content & Wireframe Generator
A worksheet and form that generates custom StoryBrand modeled content inside of a website wireframe that can be edited and refined.
Writing content for a website is arguably the most time-consuming part of a website development project. Website design projects are often delayed because there is not content for the site. Most business owners are not copywriters. Web designers are not experts in the business they are building a website for. This creates a painful gap in the website development process.
By utilizing the StoryBrand model to do brainstorming, and then the form we created that generates a website wireframe, you will have a solid starting point for the website’s content, for its messaging, and tone.
Quickly visualize your
website layout.
Save hours of writing time,
frustration and expense.
See instantly how powerful
your message can be.
About The Book
“Building A Story Brand” is a book by New York Times Bestselling author Donald Miller. In the book Miller outlines a method for creating a story, with your client or customer as the hero. The hero encounters a villain, then meets a sage (you) who provides a plan for avoiding failure and achieving success.
By creating a story for your brand with the method described in the book, you are giving your audience a story with closure and a happy ending.
Author Donald Miller developed his framework based on Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey”. It is remarkable to create a story with this model, and then see it in action on a web page.
Once you have become accustomed to this model, you will love taking the copy that you write, and having access to an instant, printable website mock-up of your text.
The Wilder Strategy Lab is not associated with or endorsed by Donald Miller, and we do not teach the Story Brand method. We just geek out on making tools that improve efficiency. This product is like an iPhone case, which is built to fit the iPhone but is not created by Apple.
Writing content for websites is often painful!
By using the StoryBrand model, and the tools we have provided, you can generate relevant content quickly.
Our tool will give you an instant, printable website wireframe of your relevant copy.
3-2-1 Launch!
You have read “Building A Story Brand” by Donald Miller, studied the framework, and maybe even trained with the Story BrandTeam. You want to implement it in your own work or your work with your clients. With the right tools in hand, you can help dozens more clients launch their dreams each year.
You will feel like you are truly helping your clients become successful, because Donald Miller’s method helps you focus their message.
Your designer or developer will love you because you are delivering to them a clear direction which also saves their time and budget. If you are doing the designing or developing, you will love working with this mock-up.
You will be able to seek higher fees, take on larger projects, and will have more time to learn new skills for your toolbox.
Four Bonus Mock-Ups!
In addition to a home page mock-up, your carefully crafted copy is also used to create the following:
- Home Page Title & Snippet
- About Us Page
- Facebook Ad – Long Form, with 3 Headline Options
- Google Ad
What Our Clients Say
I think it’s an amazing resource for people writing their own websites (and for their clients)!
This is a REALLY cool document! You have done an amazing job putting it together.
This helped so much…and I love the way [it is] integrated with Google docs to lay it all out like that! So slick.
Meet The Wilder Strategy Lab
It is difficult to imagine how text from a document will flow once it is placed on a website. The words you use will engage your audience, or cause them to leave uninterested. Writing copy for a website is an art form that can’t be undervalued or given to a novice. We understand this.
We have built 100+ websites so understand how important it is to keep momentum going during the design and development phase. Morale begins to falter with re-dos. Mocking up a page is time consuming and expensive, and if you are not the one doing the work, sending in requests for text edits to a design mock-up can blow your budget. In fact, we don’t do on-paper design mock-ups because they add so much expense to a web design project.
We built this tool so that you-we-all, can effortlessly soar past the mock-up stage.
Our Promise
Any content you input into our Website Mock-Up Tool still belongs to you. We will not share your content with anyone outside of our team. We will only be looking at content if we need to for technical Q&A purposes or to answer questions you might have.