ABC Languages

As a business owner, sometimes you have a gut feeling that something is not right, but you aren’t certain what it is because the information you are being presented has gaps or seems inaccurate.  It also is sometimes the case that there simply is not a team member who has the expertise needed to find the source of your concerns.  This was the situation our client ABC Languages was in when they reached out to us.  ABC Languages teaches online and in person language classes.  We did a full BASE3 evaluation, which entails looking at the customer journey in detail in order to identify issues.  BASE3 is a powerful tool for quickly finding areas that need immediate attention and that will have the greatest impact if addressed.

At the top of BASE3 model is the Discovery level, which means looking at how a business is being found.  We learned by looking at their Google Search Console that a recent migration from HTML to WordPress had left many broken links.  We also saw, by looking at GSC’s  list of “not indexed” links that the site had been hacked at some point, and thousands of .pdf’s had been installed, leading to the site being blacklisted.

Once we repaired these two very critical issues, we were able to focus on another challenge which is that there was a very low form completion rate.  Only 47% of people who started a form actually completed it.  We implemented HubSpot on the site, and simplified the forms.  Form completion rate is now up to 70%.

By implementing HubSpot, we were able to see which ad campaigns are generating the most revenue.  We also were able to see that 80% of their sales were from returning customers.  This indicates that once they get a new student, that student continues to take classes.  This indicates that digital marketing should focus on converting those students into advocates, and also streamlining the customer journey for new students.


Identify gaps and opportunities in the customer journey.

  • Strategy


  • Design

    User Flow

  • Client

    ABC Languages

  • Deliverables

    HubSpot Implementation, Website Clean-Up

Open Project
Let's Collaborate

Need guidance?

We use the BASE3 model to quickly identify challenges that can have immediate benefits if addressed.
